
December Webcast Replay Now Available On-line

The webcast session, “Oakville, Ontario: EAB Management Strategies”, held on Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 1:00 PM (Eastern) is now available for replay or download via the web.  Visit to access the replay and other resource materals related to the webcast session.

The webcast featured a team of speakers and scientists who are working on [...]

Benefits of Green Infrastructure Report Published

A new report Benefits of green infrastructure Report “Benefits of green infrastructure” prepared by Land Regeneration and Urban Greenspace, Centre for Forestry and Climate Change, Forest Research, Farnham, Surrey, England was recently released for public distribution.  The publication outlines efforts, tools and techniques that preserve and enhance greenspace in urban settings.  The report highlights successful [...]

New Urban Greenspace Website Resource Launched in UK

Forest Research (UK) has launched a website to highlight the importance of green infrastructure. The website targets local authorities, volunteers, researchers, planners, developers, and non-government organization.  It was launched on behalf of the Urban Regeneration & Greenspace Partnership, which promotes green-space initiatives and best practice.  Users can tap into green space projects and resources, best-practice [...]

IUFRO Urban Forestry November Update Now Available Online

The IUFRO Urban Forestry Working Group November Update is nowavailable for review and download at the IFURO-UNRI website.  The website resource is intended to provide access to information on the work of Urban Forestry Research scientists and practitioners around the world, through timely and relevant distribution of research and development activities, tools and findings. Please [...]

December 1st Webcast Features EAB Management in Canada

Please plan to attend the Upcoming UNRI webcast, “Utilizing new survey technologies and canopy protection treatments for controlling Emerald Ash Borer“, which will outline new and innovate tools and technology that are being used to manage the EAB in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.  The session, planned for Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 11:00 AM (Eastern), will be [...]

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