
Webcast Planned Sept. 16th – Geospatial Data 101

“Understanding Urban Natural Resources: A Closer Look at Geospatial Data”
Wednesday, September 16th, 1:00 PM (Eastern)
One of the most useful tools that is available to urban natural resource managers, policy makers, researchers and planners is geospatial information, which can be used to examine the structure, function and value of the resources found in a city or [...]

Webcast Planned Aug 25th – Managing Urban Natural Resources

“Managing Natural Resources: A Guide for Municipal Commissions”
Tuesday, August 25th, 11:00 AM (Eastern)
Please plan to join us for this webcast, delivered by Dr. Bill Elmendorf, Penn State University, which will introduce tools that can be used by municipal managers to address the sustainable care of the urban natural resources in their community.
This webcast will [...]

Upcoming Webcast – Aug 19th – Street Tree Master Plan

“The Road to a Thoughtful Street Tree Master Plan”
Wednesday, August 19th, 11:00 AM (Eastern)
Please plan to join us for this webcast, which inroduces a new tool for urban forestry.  Perhaps now more than ever for many communities, there’s a great opportunity to reevaluate and redesign streetscapes. Invasive pests and slim budgets are taking a toll [...]

Upcoming Webcast: Maryland Tree Registry and Aggregating Tree Benefits Calculator

July 15, 2009
11:00 AM (Eastern)
Please plan to join us for an UNRI Informational Webcast, featuring the Tree Registry and Aggregating Tree Benefits Calculator, developed by the Maryland DNR and its partners.  The tree registry enables Maryland residents to register multiple trees and aggregate their collective benefits using real time, locally generated costs. Data related to [...]

Cities and the Environment Journal – Availible Online

The second volume of the Cities and the Environment Journal (CATE) is now availible for online circulation.  CATE publishes peer-reviewed scholarship on urban ecology research and urban ecology education.  The journal encourages submission of scholarly works of the following types: well-written, relevant articles; multi-media products such as simulations, video streams, audio productions and other visualization [...]

Northern Research Station
United States Department of Agriculture
USDA Forest Service


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