
Upcoming Webcast Features “Pharmaceuticals and Water Quality”, January 21, 2009 – 11:00 AM (Eastern)

“A Threat to Our Water: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products” will introduce the issue of how the use, and improper disposal, of medications and personal care products by the public is presenting a serious threat to the quality and safety of public water supplies across the country. Featuring speakers and scientists from The Lake [...]

Tree Risk Assessment Calculator Webcast Replay Available

The UNRI Informational Webcast,“ETRAC – Electronic Tree Risk Assessment Calculator” as presented by Donna Murphy, US Forest Service Northeastern Area, is now available for online replay, or download, at  The presentation provides a concise overview of this new computerized tool for assessing tree risks in urban settings.  ETRAC software, which operates on a Personal [...]

Upcoming Webcast Features “Trees and Ice Storms”, February 18, 2009 – 11:00 AM (Eastern)

“Trees and Ice Storms: Developing Ice Storm Resistant Urban Tree Populations“ will feature Richard Hauer, Ph.D., from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, who will introduce the issue of  making urban forests less susceptible to the damage from ice storms and winter weather events.  Along with fires and wind, ice storms are a frequent and major [...]

Deep Roots Webcast Replay Now Online

One of the most popular, and informative, UNRI webcasts of 2008 was the session on “Deep Roots Research”, by Gary Johnson, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Extension Professor. The webcast is now available for online replay, or download, at The presentation provides an interesting and informative review of the latest research related to soils, root [...]

Using Surveys Webcast Replay Available for Viewing

If you were unable to join us live for UNRI Informational Webcast on the “Using Surveys to Understand urban Forestry: What the public and public officials think about all those trees along the street, and what they are worth” with Thomas Treiman, Natural Resource Economist, Missouri Department of Conservation, the presentation is available for replay [...]

Northern Research Station
United States Department of Agriculture
USDA Forest Service


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