
Upcoming Webcast – Surveys & Urban Forestry Sept. 17th

“Using Surveys to Understand urban Forestry: What the public and public officials think about all those trees along the street, and what they are worth ”with Thomas Treiman, Natural Resource Economist, Missouri Department of Conservation.
This informational webcast will examine the use of surveys and public input in understanding the value of urban forests to the public and [...]

Upcoming Webcast – October 15th, 11:00 AM (eastern)

“New Tools for Management: The Electronic Tree Risk Assessment Calculator (E-TRAC) “ with Donna M. Murphy, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area.
This informational webcast will introduce a newly developed data collection and analysis tool that can be used in Risk Tree Assessment. The software, which operates on a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), is designed to [...]

August Informational Webcast Scheduled

The next monthly UNRI Informational Webcast, on “Deep Roots Research“, by Gary Johnson, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Extension Professor, is scheduled for Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 11:00 AM (Eastern). Deep or buried root systems have been causing problems for arborists for decades. When root systems stop functioning normally, the entire tree system [...]

July Informational Webcast Scheduled

The next monthly UNRI Informational Webcast, is scheudled for July 16th at 11:00 AM (Eastern), will feature Doug Still, City Forester of Providence, Rhode Island and Ian Hanou, NCDC Imaging & Mapping, who will share their experiences on a recent Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) mapping and analysis project. They will  provide a brief overview on how [...]

Urban Stormwater and Watershed Webcast Replay

If you were unable to join us live for the June 2008  UNRI Informational Webcast on the "Urban Stormwater Management" by Vincent Cotrone, Penn State Extension, the presentation is available for replay or download at  The presentation provides an interesting and informative overview of issues related to urban stormwater runoff and the impacts of urbanization on watersheds.

Northern Research Station
United States Department of Agriculture
USDA Forest Service


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