
IUFRO Urban Forestry Research Group June Newsletter

The latest news from the IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research Group is available via the web. Visit to read the latest informational update. The newsletter is intended to provide access to information on the work of Urban Forestry Research scientists and practitioners around the world.  In this issue read about The Landscape Below Ground III Conference scheduled [...]

June Informational Webcast Scheduled

The next monthly UNRI Informational Webcast will feature Vincent Cotrone, Penn State Cooperative Extension.  This presentation, entitled,  "Managing Stormwater:  Working Towards Solutions in the Urban Forest", will introduce you to a variety of techniques and practices that reduce the impact of stormwater runoff and non-point source pollution. This presentation will also introduce Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) [...]

STEW-MAP Webcast Replay

Just in case you were unable to join us live for the May UNRI Informational Webcast, outlining the "STEW-MAP Stewardship Mapping Project" by Lindsay Campbell and Erika Svendsen, US Forest Service, New York City, the presentation is available for replay or download at  The presentation outlines the Stewardship Mapping and Assessment Project (STEW-MAP), which seeks to understand and map [...]

Urban Heat Island Webcast Replay

If you were unable to join us live for the April UNRI Informational Webcast on the "Urban Heat Island Effect" by Cynthia E. Rosenzweig, Ph.D., NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the presentation is available for replay or download at  The presentation outlines research involving the development of interdisciplinary methodologies by which to assess the potential impacts of and [...]

May Informational Webcast Scheduled

The next monthly UNRI Informational Webcast will feature Lindsay Campbell and Erika Svendsen, US Forest Service, New York City.  This presentation, entitled,  "STEW-MAP: Using social-spatial-network analysis to understand urban environmental stewardship in New York City and beyond ", will outline the Stewardship Mapping and Assessment Project (STEW-MAP), which seeks to understand and map the ways [...]

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United States Department of Agriculture
USDA Forest Service


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