IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research

A Cooperative Vision for Urban Forestry Science and Exploration

Archive for November, 2014

Academic Position Announcements

Friday, November 21st, 2014

The Forest and Nature Conservation Policy (FNP) chair group of Wageningen University (www.fnp.wur.nl) has two vacancies for two enthusiastic and ambitious academics at the associate or assistant professor level.

For details on how to apply visit

Australia – New Zealand Forestry Conference Planned for April 2015

Friday, November 21st, 2014

“Beyond tenure: managing forests across the landscape” is the theme for this upcoming conference. Forest management in Australia and New Zealand is undergoing rapid change driven by local economic, social and political restructuring and dynamic social and economic forces across the Asia Pacific region.

This conference aims to provide forest managers, owners, researchers and policy makers in all sectors from across Australia and New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region the opportunity to learn about the implications of these emerging issues for forests and forest management.

The program is designed to explore different sectors of forest management (such as fire management, conservation, timber, recreation, water production, urban forests or carbon forestry) through the lenses of transformative thinking, resilient systems and community and market-based approaches to management of different forest values.

Conference Details
Dates: April 13-15, 2015
Place: Creswick, Victoria Australia

Presentations and Abstracts
The Deadline for submittal is Friday 28 November 2014
To submit an abstract visit http://www.forestryconference.org.au/submit/submit-an-abstract

For More Information
Please visit www.forestryconference.org.au for registration and more information or contact the conference coordinator Professor Rod Keenan, The University of Melbourne, Conference Chairperson

Visit www.forestryconference.org.au for additional details.

European i-Tree Conference Scheduled for March 2015

Thursday, November 20th, 2014


Assessing urban tree resources and the the ecosystem services and benefits these provide are crucial to urban forest management. i-Tree is a software suite from the USDA Forest Service (USA) that has been used since 2006 to calculate and economically valuate these ecosystem services. i-Tree has been used on individual trees, parcels, neighbor- hoods, cities, and even entire states. i-Tree is now being used around the world and have been modi- fied specifically to Australian and Canadian conditions.

The European i-Tree conference will discuss how i-Tree can be used in Europe and how i-Tree have been used around the world!


Dates: 12 March 2015
Place: University of Agriculture, Alnarp, Sweden
Deadline for registration: 1 March 2014

Please visit www.i-tree.se for registration and more information or contact the conference coordinator Dr. Johan Östberg, johan.ostberg@slu.se

Visit www.i-tree.se for additional details.


Monday, November 17th, 2014

Welcome to the IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research Website. This site is intended to provide access to information on the work of Urban Forestry Research scientists and practitioners around the world, through timely and relevant distribution of research and development activities, tools and findings.  IUFRO is “the” global network for forest science cooperation. It unites more than 15,000 scientists in almost 700 Member Organizations in over 110 countries. Scientists cooperate in IUFRO on a voluntary basis.

Your participation in the IUFRO Urban Forestry network will greatly enhance it’s outreach capabilities, product dissemination and technology transfer efforts around the globe.  Visit the ‘Join Us‘ page to learn more about the IUFRO-UNRI cooperative partnership, and how you can join other researchers in the effort to share the latest findings related to urban natural resources.