GIV Net-Meeting

There will be a net-meeting on Tuesday, May 19th, at 10:30 AM (Central) via the web, hosted by Lynne Westphal of the US Forest Service, to discuss the Chicago inititiatve.  This session will include participation via the web, and telephone dial-up to access the meeting audio.

Important steps to complete the following step prior to the actual web session: In order to participate in the session, you will need to prepare your remote computer for the net connection.  This step is not a big deal, but it will save you time logging in at the time of the actual web session.  In order to do this pre-work, please Check Your Browser prior to the call, by Clicking Here and then choosing “Check Your Browser” at the top of the MyMeetings webpage. The process will add a plug-in to your Internet Explorer browser, and you will then be ready to join the conference on the day of the workshop.

Net Meeting Connection Information on the Day of the Net-Meeting: 

May 19th Internet Log-in and Telephone Dial-up Details

  • Telephone dial-up: Call Toll-Free Number: 1-877-546-1568
  • Audience Passcode: DBLONIARZ
  • Internet login: Navigate to
  • Conference Number: PW3966621
  • Audience Passcode: DBLONIARZ
  • Please note: Telephone and internet connections are available beginning 15 minutes to the start of the session.

Please contact Dave Bloniarz,, if you need additional information on the LiveMeeting software installation.  Lynne Westphal, lwestphal@fs.fed us can be contated for information on the meeting agenda and other specifics.

Northern Research Station
United States Department of Agriculture
USDA Forest Service


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