Urban Forestry Update – July 2009
Friday, July 31st, 2009Conference ‘Forestry Serving Urbanized Societies in the North Atlantic Region’
Reykjavik, Iceland, 16-19 September 2009
This international conference, organised under the Icelandic chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers, will look at e.g. the social and
health services of forests, innovative woodland management, and community forestry approaches. The event is co-organized by the Nordic-Baltic Centre of Advanced Research on Forestry Serving Urbanized Societies, CARe-FOR-US (www.sl.life.ku.dk/care-for-us). A full program is now uploaded on the conference website, http://skogur.is/radstefna-sept-2009. Here you can also register online for the event.
12th Anniversary Conference of Pro Silva Europe in Slovenia – ‘Linking Practice, Science and Educational Outreach for Advancing Close-to-Nature Forest Management’
Logarska Dolina, Slovenia, 24-27 September 2009
This international conference will include amply attention for urban forests, for example through an excursion day in Celje’s urban forests under the title ‘Close-to-nature forestry in urban and recreational forests’. You can read more about the event and register at http://web.bf.uni-lj.si/go/prosilvaslovenia2009/programme.html.
Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 17-19 November 2009
The first announcement and call for papers for the Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009: ‘Lessons for Sustainable Development’ is available by visiting http://unri.org/iufro/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/uf_2009_malaysian1.pdf. This international event, which will include a range of leading international speakers on aspects of urban forestry and nature tourism, will be held back-to-back with an FAO workshop on urban and peri-urban forestry. Abstracts for the Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009 can be submitted until August 30, 2009.
Conference ‘Monitoring and Management of Visitor flows in recreational and protected areas’ (MMV2010)
Wageningen, Netherlands, 30 May – 3 June 2010
This fifth MMV conference will build on the success of four preceding conferences, which have made MMV into a regular meeting for scientists and managers. MMV5 will be the first lustrum and organized in an urbanized country, the Netherlands. Read more about this international conference at http://www.mmv2010.nl/.