Join Us
Please consider becoming part of the IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research Group’s world-wide network. Your participation in this network will help bring the latest information and research results to interested scientists and practitioners working in countries around the globe. Signing up for the IUFRO Urban Forestry Research Group is free, and your registration information will only be used to communicate among your colleagues through the Research Group.
By joining the IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Network you will be connected to an international network of individuals and organizations who are working to improve the quality and sustainability of urban landscapes in locations all around the globe. Your participation is critical to the success of this networking effort.
Subscriber Benefits
By participating in the IUFRO-UNRI partnership, you will become part of an international communications network that will help to keep its members abreast of the latest tools, technology and research findings related to urban forestry and urban natural resources. Signing up will provide you with the following benefits:
- Networking opportunities with other scientists and users of research.
- Access to a database of many of the world’s leading urban natural resource researchers.
- Updates on the latest research, events and publications related to urban forestry and urban natural resource management.
- Opportunities to promote your own research work, events, etc through the network.
- The latest information on upcoming conferences and symposia.
- Urban Forestry & Urban Greening Journal.
- Those working for organizations that are IUFRO members or associate members can expect additional benefits, such as reduced registration fees for IUFRO conferences and events, discounts on IUFRO publications, and a favorable subscription rate for the scientific journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.