IUFRO Urban Forestry News – August 2011
Tuesday, August 16th, 2011Urban Tree Growth – An international meeting and research symposium
The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois, USA, 12-13 September, 2011
The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), Urban Tree Growth & Longevity Working Group and The Morton Arboretum are convening a two-day conference on the health and care of urban trees on the beautiful grounds of The Morton Arboretum, a 1700 acre outdoor museum of trees located just outside of Chicago in Illinois. For more information, visit http://www.masslaboratory.org/urbantreegrowth.htm.
Forest Commons – Role model for sustainable local governance and forest management
Burbach, Germany, 9-11 October 2011
This international workshop looks at the growing interest for commonunity-owned forests, discussing issues such as small-scale forestry approaches and governance issues. For more information about this event, hosted by the State Department of Forestry and Timber of North Rhine?Westphalia others, see: http://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/10Aktuelles/06_Forest_Commons/index.php
Balancing Trees & Urban Spaces, 2011 International Arboricultural Summit – Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China, 17-19 November 2011
The focus of this year’s IASHK conference will be on trees below ground – tree root development, soils, and the complexities of the urban environment. Keynote speakers include, among others, Dr Ed Gilman and Dr Gary Watson. Read more and register at http://www.ias.hk/.
International symposium on ‘Urban open spaces – Quality provision and assessment’
Frederiksberg, Denmark, 1 December 2011
This one-day event, hosted by the Nordic Green Space Award partnership, will discuss will discuss the concept of ‘quality’ from many different sides, zooming in on quality in a context of public space, public service delivery, and urban green spaces in particular. For more information and expressing your interest to participate, please contact Cecil Konijnendijk at cck@life.ku.dk.
1st Biennial Congress on Urban Green Spaces (CUGS)
New Delhi, India, 15-17 February 2012
This congress will take critical look at the interface between urban human habitation and urban green spaces to build upon our understanding of the elements of urban green spaces and their interconnectedness with quality of life in our fast expanding cities. The Congress will deal with physical, spatial, economics, environmental, aesthetic, and other characteristics of urban green spaces. Specific focus of the congress is on India and oter industrialising countries, but the event has an international scope. For more information, visit http://www.cugs.in/.
15th European Forum on Urban Forestry
Leipzig, Germany, 8-12 May 2012
Next year’s edition of the annual IUFRO European Forum on Urban Forestry will be held in the German city of Leipzig. Please reserve the dates and keep an eye on www.efuf.org for future information.
Latest issue of Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
Issue 3 of Volume 10 is available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/16188667. This issue included, among other, a review article on outdoor recreation and ethnicity in Europe. Other articles look e.g. at the impact of urban trees on rental prices, urban forest growth, and urban forest carbon credits. Also featured are research papers on park birdlife and the restorative outcomes of forest schools.