IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research

A Cooperative Vision for Urban Forestry Science and Exploration

Archive for May, 2011

IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry News – May 2011

Thursday, May 19th, 2011


Journal ‘Urban Forestry & Urban Greening’ Celebrates It’s 10th Anniversary

In 2002, a new scientific journal focusing on research dealing with urban forests and urban green spaces was launched. This year marks Urban Forestry & Urban Greening’s 10th anniversary. You can read more about this milestone and its celebration at the European Forum on Urban Forestry in Glasgow by visiting http://www.unri.org/wsb4713307301/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/ufug.HTML 
This also gives you free access to the first issue of the 10th Volume.

EuroMAB 2011 conference, Sharing Sustainable Futures
Lundsbrunn, Sweden, 4-8 July 2011 (with a pre-event in Joenkoeping during 30 June – 2 July)

This conference http://www.euromab2011.se/index.php brings together experiences from UNESCO’s Biosphere Reserves in Europe. Of particular interest for urban foresters may be the pre-event hosted by the Swedish Forestry Agency in the town of Joenkoeping, where urban forests will be on the agenda. Visit http://www.unri.org/wsb4713307301/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/mab.pdf  for further details on this pre-event.

International Conference on Partnering, Parks & Leisure
Australia & International Federation of Parks and Recreation Administration
Fremantle, Australia, 18-21 September 2011

Early bird registration for this event, focusing on partnering in parks and leisure management, is now open. Visit the conference website for more information about the programme, online registration, and the like: http://www.parksleisure.com.au/conference-information/national-conference

International symposium on Urban Open Spaces – Quality Provision and Assessment
Frederiksberg, Denmark, 1 December 2011

This international seminar, organised in conjunction with the Nordic Green Space Award project, will discusses the concept of ‘quality’ and how to define and assess this, in relation to urban open spaces.

International speakers will touch upon quality provision in the public sector, designing high-quality open spaces, quality assessment programmes, and related themes. For more information about this one-day event, contact Cecil Konijnendijk (cck(at)life.ku.dk) and keep an eye on http://www.greenspaceaward.com/