IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research

A Cooperative Vision for Urban Forestry Science and Exploration

Latest News

by admin - March 7th, 2008



28-31 May 2008, Hämeenlinna, Finland
This event is the joint Final Conference of Forest for Recreation and Tourism (COST E33) and the11th European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF). For registration and further details, see http://www.metla.fi/tapahtumat/2008/recreation-tourism/

16-18 June 2008, Turin, Italy
Information about this event is provided at http://www.isaeuropeancongress.eu/. Online registration will start shortly.



An information leaflet about this international MSc programme offered by Myerscough College in England is availible. Click here to view the Myerscough College MSC Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Pamphlet



Issue 1 of 2008 is available online at http://www.sciencedirect.com (search for the journal name). Papers deal with issues as different as feng-shui landscapes in Okinawa, Japan, the green structure of Hanoi, Vietnam, and alien plant species in South-African towns. Moreover, keep an eye out for issue 2, which will be released during early spring. Good research papers, review articles, short communications and book reviews are always welcome. For submission details, see http://ees.elsevier.com/ufug.

The report Trees in Towns II assesses the effectiveness of tree management in urban areas in England. It identifies changes since earlier surveys, including Trees in Towns published in 1993. The report’s Executive Summary can be downloaded at: http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/treesintownsii. This website also gives details of how the full report can be purchased. This includes the Executive Summary and a CD-ROM of the complete report.

Latest News

by admin - December 23rd, 2007


Conference ‘Forest Recreation and Tourism serving Urbanized Societies’
(also the 11th European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF)
28-31 May 2008, Hämeenlinaa, Finland
A call for paper for this event is now open. Please visit:
All abstracts should be received before 28 February 2008.

International conference ‘Urban Design and Ecology: International Perspectives’

1-4 June 2008, St Petersburg, Russia
The aim of this conference is information exchange and learning experiences
from the around the world for the development of sustainable urban design.
For a full conference announcement and details about registration and
abstract submission, Click Here.

Conference ‘Landscape Ecology and Forest Management: Challenges and Solutions’

16-18 September 2008 (with subsequent field trip), Chengdu, China
The deadline for submitting abstracts for this event, organised by the
Landscape Ecology working party of IUFRO, has been extended to 15 February
2008. The conference includes a symposium titled ‘Urban forest landscapes
in the context of developing countries and rapid urbanization’. For more
details about this conference, please visit the conference webpage at:


International Master ‘Urban Forestry and Urban Greening’ (Sweden and Denmark)
Registration now open.
People interested in participation in the 2008-2009 edition of this
international Master programme are very welcome to do so. Deadline for
applications is 1 February 2008. Click here for more information, or visit


Professor in Green Space Management, University of Copenhagen
The Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, University of
Copenhagen announces a professorship in Green Space Management. Information
on the requirements for the position and on how to apply is available from:
http://www.life.ku.dk/English/positions.aspx (scroll down to ‘Professor in Green Space Management – 09/01/08).


Urban Agriculture Magazine

Urban Agriculture Magazine (UAM) is a publication that facilitates the
sharing of information on the impacts of urban agriculture. Moreover, it
promotes analysis and debate on critical issues for development of the
sector, and publishes ‘good practices’ in urban agriculture. For
information on how to subscribe to this magazine, which is published twice
a year, visit: http://www.ruaf.org/

Cities Farming for the Future
– Urban agriculture for green and productive cities
This book, published by the RUAF Foundation, presents the state of art in
the development of sustainable urban agriculture, including aspects of
urban forestry. For information on how to order this book, visit
http://www.iirr.org/ or send an e-mail to bookstore(at)iirr.org.

IUFRO-News no. 11-12

The latest (double) issue of IUFRO-News is avaiable from

Latest News

by admin - August 14th, 2007


Offer, Journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

The scientific journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening publishes innovative
research findings within the fields of urban forestry and urban greening.
The journal, which appears four times a year, is presently in its sixth
year. For more information, see http://www.elsevier.de/ufug.
Together with Elsevier we have a very attractive offer for the members of
the IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research Group. If you have signed up as
group member AND you work for an organisation that is a member of IUFRO,
you qualify for subscribing to the journal Urban Forestry and Urban
Greening at a very attractive rate (52 EUR for an annual online
subscription and 68 EUR for both online and in print, excl. VAT).
Click Here for more details on subscribing to Urban Forests & Urban Greening


Conference ‘The History, Ecology and Archaeology of Medieval Parks and

17-19 September 2007, Sheffield, UK
More information about this event is available at:

Conference ‘Urban Wildspaces’

7 September 2007, Sheffield, UK
This one-day event is organised as part of the “Urban Wildscapes” project,
which is taking a fresh look at the social meanings and functions of urban
waste and wilderness spaces, and exploring approaches to designing and
managing these spaces in ways that do not detract from their essential
You can download the conference announcement and registration form from:

Conference ‘Enjoy and Protect our Forests’

17-18 October 2007, Fontainebleau, France
This conference, held at the site of the beautiful forest of Fontainebleau
in France, discusses the results of the PROGRESS project (Promotion and
Guidance for Recreation on Ecologically Sensitive Sites). The project has
explored new ways to monitor recreational use in the New Forest and
Fontainebleau Forest. The project team have also been investigating the
impact recreation has on nature, and ways in which to ease the pressure.
Download the conference announcement at:

Conference ‘Landscape Ecology and Forest Management: Challenges and

16-18 September 2008 (with subsequent field trip), Chengdu, China
The Landscape Ecology working party of IUFRO will hold its next, major
conference in Chengdu, China. The conference will be followed by an
exciting 3-day field trip to Western Sichuan. IUFRO’s urban forestry
research group is a co-sponsor of the meeting. It will organise a
session/symposium titled ‘ Urban forest landscapes in the context of
developing countries and rapid urbanization’.
For more details and a first conference announcement, please visit the
conference webpage at:



International course, “Communication for urbanised forestry and green-space

Noedebo, Denmark, 26-30 November 2007
This is the second edition of this course, meant for urban woodland and
green space planners and managers. Innovative approaches within media
relations, marketing, lobbying and public involvement will be discussed.
Registration is open until 15 September 2007.
For further information, visit

Welcome Message

by admin - January 1st, 2007

Welcome to the IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research Website. This site is intended to provide access to information on the work of Urban Forestry Research scientists and practitioners around the world, through timely and relevant distribution of research and development activities, tools and findings.

The Urban Natural Resources Institute (UNRI) is pleased to invite your participation in the Urban Forestry Research Group of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). IUFRO is “the” global network for forest science cooperation. It unites more than 15,000 scientists in almost 700 Member Organizations in over 110 countries. Scientists cooperate in IUFRO on a voluntary basis. Its mission is to promote the coordination of and the international cooperation in scientific studies embracing the whole field of research related to forests and trees for the well-being of forests and the people that depend on them.

Please consider becoming part of the IUFRO urban forestry network. Your participation in IUFRO will greatly enhance UNRI’s ability for outreach, product dissemination and technology transfer efforts around the globe.