IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research

A Cooperative Vision for Urban Forestry Science and Exploration

Archive for the 'Latest News' Category

Urban Forestry Update – Sept/October 2009

Monday, October 5th, 2009

Urban Forestry Sessions at XIII World Forestry Congress
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-23 October 2009

Please note that there will be two important urban forestry sessions at the upcoming World Forestry Congress in Argentina. The sessions will deal with the themes “Driving the forces towards A Green Agenda for Urbanized Society: A matter of Choice or Destiny?” respectively “Optimizing and mastering the tree cover for healthy cities – learning from practice and science”.  Click Here to view, or download, PDF file outlining these presentation sessions..

In addition to these sessions, there will be an event on “Protecting Urban Watersheds: Technology and Communication” on Tuesday October 20, 12.45-14.15 hrs (Yellow Pavillion). This side event at the World Forestry Congress will share successful efforts to improve, measure, monitor, and communicate the connection between forests, water, and people. Opportunity will be provided for participants to share their strategies and successes, as well. Please join us for this global conversation, hosted by the United States Forest Service.

Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 17-19 November 2009

The second announcement for the Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009: ‘Lessons for Sustainable Development’ is available by visiting http://www.frim.gov.my/pdf/urban-forestry.pdf. Registration for the event is still possible. For an updated listing of confirmed speakers, please Click Here.

Conference ‘Monitoring and Management of Visitor flows in recreational and protected areas’ (MMV2010)
Wageningen, Netherlands, 30 May – 3 June 2010

This fifth MMV conference will build on the success of four preceding conferences, which have made MMV into a regular meeting for scientists and managers. MMV5 will be the first lustrum and organized in an urbanized country, the Netherlands. Read more about this international conference at http://www.mmv2010.nl/.

Conference ‘Forest Landscapes and Global Change – New frontiers in management, conservation and restoration’ (IUFRO Landscape Ecology conference 2010)
Brangança, Portugal, 21-27 September 2010

After past events in Bari and Chengdu, the IUFRO Landscape Ecology conference will visit Portugal in 2010. Read the first announcement for this event, with a theme on urban forestry, at http://www.ipb.pt/iufro2010/index.php?pai=45&lng=.

Urban Forestry Update – July 2009

Friday, July 31st, 2009

Conference ‘Forestry Serving Urbanized Societies in the North Atlantic Region’
Reykjavik, Iceland, 16-19 September 2009

This international conference, organised under the Icelandic chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers, will look at e.g. the social and
health services of forests, innovative woodland management, and community forestry approaches. The event is co-organized by the Nordic-Baltic Centre of Advanced Research on Forestry Serving Urbanized Societies, CARe-FOR-US (www.sl.life.ku.dk/care-for-us). A full program is now uploaded on the conference website, http://skogur.is/radstefna-sept-2009.  Here you can also register online for the event.

12th Anniversary Conference of Pro Silva Europe in Slovenia – ‘Linking Practice, Science and Educational Outreach for Advancing Close-to-Nature Forest Management’
Logarska Dolina, Slovenia, 24-27 September 2009

This international conference will include amply attention for urban forests, for example through an excursion day in Celje’s urban forests under the title ‘Close-to-nature forestry in urban and recreational forests’. You can read more about the event and register at http://web.bf.uni-lj.si/go/prosilvaslovenia2009/programme.html.

Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 17-19 November 2009

The first announcement and call for papers for the Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009: ‘Lessons for Sustainable Development’ is available by visiting http://unri.org/iufro/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/uf_2009_malaysian1.pdf. This international event, which will include a range of leading international speakers on aspects of urban forestry and nature tourism, will be held back-to-back with an FAO workshop on urban and peri-urban forestry. Abstracts for the Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009 can be submitted until August 30, 2009.

Conference ‘Monitoring and Management of Visitor flows in recreational and protected areas’ (MMV2010)
Wageningen, Netherlands, 30 May – 3 June 2010

This fifth MMV conference will build on the success of four preceding conferences, which have made MMV into a regular meeting for scientists and managers. MMV5 will be the first lustrum and organized in an urbanized country, the Netherlands. Read more about this international conference at http://www.mmv2010.nl/.

Urban Forest Update – June 2009

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009


Conference ‘Forestry Serving Urbanised Societies in the North Atlantic Region’
– submit your abstract now!
Reykjavik, Iceland, 16-19 September 2009

This international conference, organised under the Icelandic chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers, will bring together researchers and practitioners from the North Atlantic Region (as well as others who are interested in the topic) to 1) present and discuss the state-of-art of research on forestry serving urbanised societies; 2) find ways of better implementation of state-of-art knowledge; and 3) developing a joint research agenda for the future. Conference sessions will look at e.g. the social and
health services of forests, innovative forest planning, design and management, benefit valuation, species selection, and community forestry approaches.

The event is co-organised by the Nordic-Baltic Centre of Advanced Research on Forestry Serving Urbanised Societies, CARe-FOR-US (www.sl.life.ku.dk/care-for-us). ABSTRACTS of up to 300 words should be submitted to cck(at)life.ku.dk BY JUNE 30, 2009. Please visit the conference website for further details: http://skogur.is/radstefna-sept-2009, where you can also register online.

International conference ‘Ecology and Forests for Public Health’
Oslo, Norway, 18-20 September 2009

This conferences focuses on environmental, climatic and cultural changes that threaten public health today. This event will analyze the importance of ecology and forests for people on our planet. A wide range of aspects will therefore be addressed through key-note speakers, submitted abstracts, workshops and side events. Subthemes like vocational rehabilitation in nature, recreation, health promotion, physical activity, well-being, out-door life (friluftsliv), farming for health etc. are also part of the programme.

Read more about the event at www.nacuheal.net. ABSTRACTS can be submitted until JULY 15, 2009.

Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 17-19 November 2009

The first announcement and call for papers for the Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009: ‘Lessons for Sustainable Development’ is available by visiting http://unri.org/iufro/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/uf_2009_malaysian1.pdf. This international event, which will include a range of leading international speakers on aspects of urban forestry and nature tourism, will be held back-to-back with an FAO workshop on urban and peri-urban forestry. Abstracts for the Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009 can be submitted until August 30, 2009.

International Healthy Parks, Healthy People Congress
Melbourne, Australia, 11-16 April 2010

The Call for Proposals for the first International Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress is open until June 22nd 2009. With the increasing recognition of the value of nature to human health and well being worldwide, Parks Victoria will host the inaugural International Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress at the new Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. For further information, visit the conference website at www.healthyparkshealthypeoplecongress.org.


Journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening now indexed by Thomson Reuters

As of issue 1 of the present Volume (8, 2009), Urban Forestry and Urban Greening is indexed by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI). This means that the journal has become part of major databases such as Science Citation Index Expanded. Articles published by us from Vol. 9, issue 1 onwards will be part of the Web of Science. The journal’s first impact factor will be granted for 2011.

Find more information about the journal and its indexing at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/701803/description#description.

New publication: ‘GreenKeys @ Your City – A guide for urban green quality’

GreenKeys, an INTERREG III B Project which has developed suggestions for how to improve the planning and management of urban green spaces, has recently issued this interesting manual. It contains recommendations for green space development in European cities and provides guidelines on the preparation and implementation of an urban green space strategy. You can download the report (or order a hardcopy) from the project’s website: www.greenkeys-project.net.

Urban Forest Update – May 2009

Monday, May 11th, 2009


Conference ‘Great Places, Great Cities’
Glasgow, Scotland, 4-5 June 2009

This two-day conference will bring together an international audience to discuss the role of public space and green networks in creating truly sustainable cities – cities which have a reduced impact on the environment, which cope better with the consequences of global climate change and where people want to live and work. For further information, see http://www.greenspacescotland.org.uk/default.asp?page=482.


Conference ‘Forestry Serving Urbanised Societies in the North Atlantic Region’
Reykjavik, Iceland, 16-19 September 2009

This international conference, organised under the Icelandic chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers, will bring together researchers and practitioners from the North Atlantic Region to 1) present and discuss the state-of-art of research on forestry serving urbanised societies; 2) find ways of better implementation of state-of-art knowledge; and 3) developing a joint research agenda for the future. Conference sessions will look at e.g. the social and health services of forests, innovative forest planning, design and management, benefit valuation, species selection, and community forestry approaches.

The event is co-organised by the Nordic-Baltic Centre of Advanced Research on Forestry Serving Urbanised Societies, CARe-FOR-US (www.sl.life.ku.dk/care-for-us).

Abstracts should be submitted before June 30, 2009. Please visit the conference website for further details: http://skogur.is/radstefna-sept-2009. ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Register at http://skogur.is/radstefna-sept-2009


Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 17-19 November 2009

Please click here to view the announcement and call for papers for the Malaysian Urban Forestry Conference 2009: ‘Lessons for Sustainable Development’. This international event will be held back-to-back with an FAO workshop on urban and peri-urban forestry.


International Healthy Parks, Healthy People Congress
Melbourne, Australia, 11-16 April 2010

The Call for Proposals for the first International Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress is NOW OPEN and will remain open until June 22nd 2009. With the increasing recognition of the value of nature to human health and wellbeing worldwide, Parks Victoria will host the inaugural International Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress at the new Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. For further information, visit the conference website at www.healthyparkshealthypeoplecongress.org.


Urban forestry session at the IUFRO 2010 World Congress
Seoul, South Korea, 23-28 August 2010

An urban forestry session at this main IUFRO event has just been accepted. The 2-hour session will have as its theme ‘Promoting urban forest services in partnership between scientists and
communities’. Invited speakers such as David Nowak (US Forest Service), Kjell Nilsson (University of Copenhagen), Pepper Provenzano (TreeLink) and Makoto Yokohari (University of Tokyo) will shine their light on successful science-practice collaboration in urban forestry.

Abstracts for all IUFRO 2010 sessions can now be submitted. For further details, visit: http://www.iufro2010.com/. For the mentioned urban forestry session, only poster abstracts can be considered.


Journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening now indexed by Thomson Reuters

As of issue 1 of the present Volume (8, 2009), Urban Forestry and Urban Greening is indexed by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI). This means that the journal has become part of major databases such as Science Citation Index Expanded. Articles published by us from Vol. 9, issue 1 onwards will be part of the Web of Science. The journal’s first impact factor will be granted for 2011.

Find more information about the journal and its indexing at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/701803/description#description.

New publication: ‘GreenKeys @ Your City – A guide for urban green quality’

GreenKeys, an INTERREG III B Project which has developed suggestions for how to improve the planning and management of urban green spaces, has recently issued this interesting manual. It contains recommendations for green space development in European cities and provides guidelines on the preparation and implementation of an urban green space strategy. You can download the report (or order a hardcopy) from the project’s website: www.greenkeys-project.net.


Urban Forest Update – March 2009

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009


12th European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) – Register now!
Arnhem, The Netherlands, 27-30 May 2009

The 12th edition of the EFUF, an event co-sponsored by IUFRO Urban Forestry, promises to become a good one. The 12th EFUF will have as title: Urban forestry – Working together for green city values, with themes such as green city marketing, children and nature, participatory urban forestry, and strategic and innovative urban forestry.

The call for abstracts is now closed, but don’t forget to register for the event as soon as possible, as limited places are available. For full details about the programme, keynote speakers, excursions, and online registration, visit http://www.arnhem.nl/content.jsp?objectid=69936.

Conference ‘Forestry Serving Urbanised Societies in the North Atlantic Region’
Reykjavik, Iceland, 16-19 September 2009

This international conference, organised under the Icelandic chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers, will bring together researchers and practitioners from the North Atlantic Region to 1) present and discuss the state-of-art of research on forestry serving urbanised societies; 2) find ways of better implementation of state-of-art knowledge; and 3) developing a joint research agenda for the future. Conference sessions will look at e.g. the social and health services of forests, innovative forest planning, design and management, species selection, and community forestry approaches.

Abstracts should be submitted before June 15, 2009. Click Here for detailed information about the event .

Urban forestry session at the IUFRO 2010 World Congress
Seoul, South Korea, 23-28 August 2010

A proposal for an urban forestry session at this main IUFRO event has just been accepted. The 2-hour session will have as its theme ‘Promoting urban forest services in partnership between scientists and communities’. Invited speakers such as David Nowak (US Forest Service), Kjell Nilsson (University of Copenhagen), Pepper Provenzano (TreeLink) and Makoto Yokohari (University of Tokyo) will shine their light on successful science-practice collaboration in urban forestry. More details about this session will be provided in the near future.


Journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening now indexed by Thomson Reuters

As of issue 1 of the present Volume (8, 2009), Urban Forestry and Urban Greening is indexed by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI). This means that the journal has become part of major databases such as Science Citation Index Expanded. Articles published by us from Vol. 9, issue 1 onwards will be part of the Web of Science. The journal’s first impact factor will be granted for 2011.

Find more information about the journal and its indexing at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/701803/description#description.

New publication: ‘GreenKeys @ Your City – A guide for urban green quality’

GreenKeys, an INTERREG III B Project which has developed suggestions for how to improve the planning and management of urban green spaces, has recently issued this interesting manual. It contains recommendations for green space development in European cities and provides guidelines on the preparation and implementation of an urban green space strategy. You can download the report (or order a hardcopy) from the project’s website: www.greenkeys-project.net.