IUFRO-UNRI Urban Forestry Research

A Cooperative Vision for Urban Forestry Science and Exploration

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Urban Forest Update – February 2009

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009



12th European Forum on Urban Forestry – Call for abstracts

 Arnhem, The Netherlands, 27-30 May 2009

 Arnhem is a city rich in old and new green spaces, situated at the fringe of the Veluwe, the largest (and heavily visited) forest and nature area of The Netherlands.  In 2008 Arnhem has been granted as the Greenest city of the Netherlands. The 12th EFUF will have as title: “Urban forestry – Working together for green city values”. Abstracts for oral presentations are solicited under four sub-themes:

  1. Green city marketing – how can urban forests and other green spaces be used to promote cities?
  2. Children and nature  how do we develop urban forests that promote use by children and youths, e.g. for educational and health purposes?;
  3. Participatory urban forestry  sharing experiences about collaboration between planners, managers, interest groups and residents;
  4. Strategic and innovative urban forestry  how to we successfully develop urban forests for the future, linking up to major political agendas, using concepts such as green infrastructure, marketing of green values, etc.?

Abstracts of up to 300 words and with full authors details should be submitted to Mr. John Raggers, john.raggers@wur.nl, no later than March 11, 2009.

The EFUFs programme will start with an ice-breaker at Tuesday 26 May (evening) and end on Saturday 30 May with an excursion of the Veluwe forest region. Further information (e.g. on how to register) will soon become available from http://www.arnhem.nl/content.jsp?objectid=69936.


International conference Landscape Design in the City: Historical Landscapes in the Modern Era

St. Petersburg, Russia, 1-3 June 2009

St. Petersburg is the most European city in Russia with numerous historical landscapes under UNESCO protection.  At the same time St. Petersburg is one of the largest Russian and European megapolises that experiences all the problems of a modern city and consequences of integration in a global market system. The theme of this conference will allow discussion of very broad questions for example European Influence in Russian monuments of garden art, Methods of Historical landscape restoration: international and Russian experience, Life of historical landscapes in the era of market economy and globalisation: positive and negative experiences, Search of historical landscape integration into modern landscapes and Historical landscapes as an inspiration for modern landscape architecture. For more information about this event, contact Dr. Maria Ignatieva at ignatiem@lincoln.ac.nz.


15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM 2009)- Call for abstracts

Vienna, Austria, 5-8 July 2009

Abstracts for this event, titled Meet Old and New Worlds in Research, Planning and Management, are due 9 February 2009. Check out the events web-site, with information about transportation, accommodations, post-conference field trips and the spousal program: http://www.issrm09.info. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at issrm09@boku.ac.at.


ECLAS Conference 2009 – Call for abstracts

Genoa, Italy, 23-27 September 2009

This year’s conference of the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools will have as its theme Landscape & Ruins – Planning and Design for the Regeneration of Derelict Places. Deadline for abstracts is 23 February 2009; abstracts should be addressed to: eclas2009@arch.unige.it. Read more about the conference at http://www.eclas.org/eclas-conference-details.php?mode=next.


XIII World Forestry Congress – Call for abstracts

Buenos Aires, 18-25 October 2009

The XIII World Forestry Congress (WFC) will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 18-25 October 2009. This Congress can provide a good opportunity to keep high the attention on the role of “Forest and Trees for Healthy Cities  Improving Livelihoods and Environment for All”. There will be several sessions with attention for urban forestry and forests-health links. Hence you are encouraged to submit abstracts of your studies and research to the organizers of the Congress. ABSTRACTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BY 15 FEBRUARY 2009. Abstracts should be submitted following the instructions provided on the Congress website: www.wfc2009.org. If the automatic system for uploading the abstracts doesn’t work, please send to: WFC-XIII@fao.org.

The following items should be included: 1) Type of presentation (voluntary paper); 2) Thematic session (in relation with the programme of the WFC); 3) Title; 4)  Author(s); 5) E-mail and mailing addresses of the main author; 6) Abstract (minimum 300 words  maximum 400 words); 7) Between 3 and 5 keywords. Texts must be written in one of the three official languages of the Congress (English, French or Spanish). Abstracts submitted in other languages will not be taken into consideration. The acceptance of abstracts does not imply that the papers will be presented orally at the Congress. The decision of the reviewing committee to this effect will only be taken once the review of the full papers is completed. The authors whose abstracts have been accepted must submit the full papers before 31 May 2009.

 he World Forestry Congress serves as a forum for governments, universities, civil society and the private sector to exchange views and experiences and to formulate recommendations for implementation of environmentally friendly forest policies at national, regional and global levels. The Congress also provides an opportunity for the sector to produce an overview of the state of forests and forestry in order to discern trends, adapt policies and raise awareness of issues among decision-makers, the public and other parties concerned.



Journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening publishes first issue of 2009

This scientific journals first issue of Volume 8 is now available online, at www.sciencedirect.com. This issue includes articles on, for example, a decision support system for urban tree planting programs, a new management regime for public green spaces in the Nordic countries, and on exogenous applications of carbohydrates on the growth and vitality of live oaks. As always, new papers are very welcome -  submit at http://ees.elsevier.com/ufug.


Arboriculture and Urban Forestry  - Special issue resulting from ISA-IUFRO event on urban forest structure

A recent special issue of the scientific journal Arboriculture and Urban Forestry focuses on urban forest structure. This issue, compiled by IUFRO Urban Forestry deputy coordinator David Nowak, includes papers presented during a special co-organised by IUFRO at the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) 2008 Congress. For a table of contents, see http://joa.isa-arbor.com/articles.asp?JournalID=1&VolumeID=34&IssueID=6.  IUFRO Urban Forestry and ISA have agreed to jointly host future events of this type as well. For more information, contact David Nowak at dnowak@fs.fed.us.


New book: European Forest Recreation and Tourism, edited by Simon Bell et al.

This new handbook draws on an EU-wide project (COST E33) which over the last four years has collected the expertise of more than 80 professionals and academics, from 24 countries in Europe, on forest recreation and nature tourism research, planning and management. It brings together the most up to date, state of the art knowledge and makes it available to policy makers, planners, managers and students. For more information, see http://www.routledgesport.com/books/European-Forest-Recreation-and-Tourism-isbn9780415443630.


ArborNews Asia  Electronic newsletter

You can download the latest issue of this interesting newsletter on developments and activities in Asian arboriculture and urban forestry (winter 2008) from http://www.asiatreepreservation.com/images/2008%20December%20ARBORNews%20Asia.pdf.


New book: How to put nature into neighborhoods, by Maria Ignatieva et al.

Low Impact Urban Design and Development (LIUDD) is a sustainable living concept. Urban sustainability and health are achieved through effective management of stormwater, waste, energy, transport and ecosystem services. The greening of cities by planting ecologically with local species is also a vital part of the overall well being of ecosystems and citizens. Biodiversity or nature heritage contributes to enduring sense of place or identity – a key element of nationhood. This manual is for the town dweller, developer, landscape designer and planner – and provides practical applications from nearly a decade of LIUDD research across New Zealand. It summarizes and links to information regarding the physical and built environment, but its focal point is nature heritage and overcoming attrition and critical loss. For information on how to obtain this book, published as Landcare Research Science Series No. 35, contact Maria Ignatieva at ignatiem@lincoln.ac.nz.


Paper on Low Impact Urban Design and Development (LIUDD): matching urban design and urban ecology

This article by Ignatieva, Stewart and Meurk was recently published in Landscape Review (12(2). For obtaining a copy of this paper, contact Maria Ignatieva at ignatiem@lincoln.ac.nz.

Urban Forestry Update – September ’08

Thursday, September 18th, 2008


?The Landscape Below Ground III Conference?
Lisle (near Chicago), Illinois, USA October 6-8, 2008?
Since 1993, the Landscape Below Ground conferences have provided a forum for presentation of the latest research and management practices on all aspects of tree root development in urban soils. Their impact on arboriculture and urban forestry has been significant. In this tradition, the third Landscape Below Ground Conference will be presented by The Morton Arboretum and the International Society of Arboriculture on October 6-8, 2008 in Lisle, Illinois. There will be over 47 speakers from 11 countries. For complete program schedule, registration and hotel information, see http://www.LandscapeBelowGround.org ??

The 4th International Conf. on Monitoring ?and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV4) ?
Montecatini Terme, Italy, 14-19 October 2008?
The MMV conference provides a forum for experts to exchange ideas and experiences related to the monitoring and management of visitors in recreational and protected areas. For further information, see http://www.mmv4.org. ??

Third ASEM Symposium on Urban Forestry
Guangzhou, China, November 12-13, 2008
The symposium will focus on Urban Forestry and Life Quality. A pre-conference tour will be organised on November 11th. You can read more here: http://www.lknet.ac.cn/%5CasemUF3.doc. Please note that the event is only open to experts from the 17 Asian and 28 European ASEM member states.

The 12th European Forum on Urban Forestry – ‘Changing city, changing forest’?
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-30 May 2009 ?
The 12th EFUF will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Amsterdamse Bos (Amsterdam Forest), one of Europe’s best-known city forest landscapes. The Forum will look back and develop directions for present and future large metropolitan green areas. More information will become available at http://www.efuf.org. ?


Urban Wildscapes
This new book, based on the Urban Wildscapes conference held in Sheffield during September 2007, contains new contributions from Chris Baines, Catharine Ward Thompson, Tim Edensor, Christopher Woodward, Ian D Rotherham, Steve Hinchcliffe, Andreas Langer, Cathy Dee, John Deller, Helen Morse Palmer, Marion Shoard, as well as the project partners, Anna Jorgensen, Marian Tylecote and Katy Atkinson. It is currently only available in electronic form and can be downloaded from the revamped Urban Wildscapes website – www.urbanwildscapes.org.uk. It is designed to viewed on screen, but a text only version will be added next week for anyone who wants to print out the whole book or an individual chapter.

Urban Forestry and Urban Greening Issue 4 of 2008
This new issue will soon be available online, at www.sciencedirect.com (search for Urban Forestry and Urban Greening). The issue includes, among other, an article about how Finnish teenagers use and perceive their local urban green space. You are very welcome to submit scientific articles, review papers, as well as book reviews via http://ees.elsevier.com/ufug. This site includes a guide for authors.


Exchange Program of the Society of Municipal Arborists (SMA) SMA is offering an exchange program for municipal arborists located around the world. SMA and contributing sponsors will fund airfare and basic expenses for professional exchanges within the next year, which will take place in spring or summer of 2008. Each participant will spend at least one week visiting and working with another city’s forestry department. An “exchange” may be “two-way,” meaning that paired participants take turns hosting the other, or “one-way,” where a selected participant only visits a willing host city identified and approved by SMA. More information about the programme is available for download here. An application form is available here. Deadline for applications is September 26, 2008.


Two books published by Springer during late May look at various aspects of urban forestry:

- ‘Forest policies and social change in England’ (by Sylvie Nail) uses England as a case study to explore the relationships between forests, society and public perceptions, raising important questions about forest policy and management both now and in the future. The book includes chapters about the emergence and role of community and urban forestry in England. For more information, see: http://www.springer.com/life+sci/forestry/book/978-1-4020-8364-8

- ‘The Forest and the City: The cultural landscape of urban woodland’ (by Cecil Konijnendijk) discusses the relationship between cities and their forests over time, focusing on socio-cultural links. Chapters look, for example, at the spiritual and health links between urban dwellers and local forests, city forests as wild side of town and settings for art, and the role of city forests in community building. For more information about this book, see http://www.springer.com/life+sci/forestry/book/978-1-4020-8370-9?detailsPage=toc

Urban Forestry Update – Upcoming Conferences

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Please be aware of these upcoming conferences that you might be interested in attending –

Final Conference of COST Action E39 ‘Forests, Trees and Human Health and Wellbeing’
Hamar, Norway, 28-30 August 2008

This final conference of an interesting research network that has focused on the contributions of forests and trees to human health and well being is open to all. The program for this conference can be viewed by clicking here. More information and registration details are available at: http://www.e39.ee/?Conferences:Hamar-Elverum_conference.

ECLAS conference: ‘New Landscapes – New Lives, New Challenges in Landscape Planning, Design and Management’
Alnarp, Sweden, 11-14 September 2008

A draft programme for this event, organised under the umbrella of the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools, is now available at http://www.ltj.slu.se/eclas/.


‘The Landscape Below Ground III Conference’
Lisle (near Chicago), Illinois, USA, October 6-8, 2008

Since 1993, the Landscape Below Ground conferences have provided a forum for presentation of the latest research and management practices on all aspects of tree root development in urban soils. Their impact on arboriculture and urban forestry has been significant. In this tradition, the third Landscape Below Ground Conference will be presented by The Morton Arboretum and the International Society of Arboriculture on October 6-8, 2008 in Lisle, Illinois. There will be over 47 speakers from 11 countries. For complete program schedule, registration and hotel information, see http://www.LandscapeBelowGround.org.

Third ASEM Symposium on Urban Forestry
Guangzhou, China, November 12-13, 2008

The dates for this symposium for urban forestry experts from the so-called ASEM countries are now confirmed and registration is open. The symposium will focus on ‘Urban Forestry and Life Quality’. A pre-conference tour will be organised on November 11th. You can read more in the attached announcement, which also includes a registration form. Please note that the event is only open to experts from the 17 Asian and 28 European ASEM member states. For more information, and for a listing of countries attending the Symposium, please Click Here.


Urban Forestry Update

Thursday, June 19th, 2008


FAO International Meeting on Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry – ?‘Trees Connecting People – In Action Together’ ?
Bogotá, Colombia, 29 July – 1 August 2008 ?
You are invited to participate in this FAO meeting, which will focus on promoting the role of forests and trees for healthy cities in developing countries. Abstracts can be submitted. For further information, see the first announcement at http://km.fao.org/uploads/media/BogotaEN.pdf. ??

Final Conference of COST Action E39 ?‘Forests, Trees and Human Health and Wellbeing’ ?
Hamar, Norway, 28-30 August 2008?
This final conference of an interesting research network that has focused on the contributions of forests and trees to human health and wellbeing is open to all.
For more information, registration, etc., see http://www.e39.ee/?News:Conference_in_Norway. ??

Conference ‘Landscape Ecology and ?Forest Management – Challenges and solutions’ ?
Chengdu, China, 16-18 September 2008
The programme includes a symposium on Urban Forest Landscapes in the Context of Developing Countries and Rapid Urbanization organized by IUFRO 6.14.00 Urban Forestry. As you all know, Chengdu and surroundings were recently hit by a devastating earthquake. The organisers have decided to carry on the with conference as planned, also in support of the Chinese colleagues. Some of the field trip programme will be changed. Information about this event is available at 

The Landscape Below Ground III Conference?
Lisle (near Chicago), Illinois, USA October 6-8, 2008?
Since 1993, the Landscape Below Ground conferences have provided a forum for presentation of the latest research and management practices on all aspects of tree root development in urban soils. Their impact on arboriculture and urban forestry has been significant. In this tradition, the third Landscape Below Ground Conference will be presented by The Morton Arboretum and the International Society of Arboriculture on October 6-8, 2008 in Lisle, Illinois. There will be over 47 speakers from 11 countries. For complete program schedule, registration and hotel information, see http://www.LandscapeBelowGround.org ??

The 4th International Conf. on Monitoring ?and Management
of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV4)
Montecatini Terme, Italy, 14-19 October 2008?
The MMV conference provides a forum for experts to exchange ideas and experiences related to the monitoring and management of visitors in recreational and protected areas. For further information, see http://www.mmv4.org. ??

The 12th European Forum on Urban Forestry – ‘Changing city, changing forest’?Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, 27-30 May 2009 ?
The 12th EFUF will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Amsterdamse Bos (Amsterdam Forest), one of Europe’s best-known city forest landscapes. The Forum will look back and develop directions for present and future large metropolitan green areas. More information will become available at http://www.efuf.org. ?



FAO launches new website on urban forestryUnder the title ‘Forests and Trees for Healthy Cities’, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently launched an informative website about urban forestry (http://km.fao.org/urbanforestry/). The website includes, among other, a calendar of events, a repository (online library), and various interactive tools. The website is to be developed further in close collaboration with its users. ?



Two books published by Springer during late May look at various aspects of urban forestry:

- ‘Forest policies and social change in England’ (by Sylvie Nail) uses England as a case study to explore the relationships between forests, society and public perceptions, raising important questions about forest policy and management both now and in the future. The book includes chapters about the emergence and role of community and urban forestry in England. For more information, see: http://www.springer.com/life+sci/forestry/book/978-1-4020-8364-8

- ‘The Forest and the City: The cultural landscape of urban woodland’ (by Cecil Konijnendijk) discusses the relationship between cities and their forests over time, focusing on socio-cultural links. Chapters look, for example, at the spiritual and health links between urban dwellers and local forests, city forests as wild side of town and settings for art, and the role of city forests in community building. For more information about this book, see http://www.springer.com/life+sci/forestry/book/978-1-4020-8370-9?detailsPage=toc


IUFRO Update

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008


COST Action E39 “Forests, Trees and Human Health and Wellbeing”
Hamar, Norway, August 28-30, 2008
This event is open to all people interested in this topic.  The deadline for submitting abstracts for submittal is May 20th, 2008. The call for papers can be found at http://unri.org/iufro/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/e39_hamar_call-for-papers.pdf.  Further information and a preliminary conference program can be found at http://unri.org/iufro/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/cost_program.pdf.  Also, additional information on COST Action E39 is availble here.

Conference ‘Forest Recreation and Tourism Serving Urbanised Societies’
(also the 11th European Forum on Urban Forestry)
Hämeenlinna, Finland, 28-31 May 2008.

A full programme for this event is now available at
Please note that the deadline for registration is April 25th, 2008.

Conference ‘Landscape Ecology and Forest Management – Challenges and
Chengdu, China, 16-18 September 2008

A draft programme of this IUFRO conference is now available at
The programme includes a symposium on ‘Urban Forest Landscapes in the Context ofDeveloping Countries and Rapid Urbanization’ organized by IUFRO 6.14.00
‘Urban Forestry’.


Latest issue of Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
The scientific journal ‘Urban Forestry & Urban Greening’ has just released its 2nd issue of 2008 (Volume 7). The issue includes papers on, for example, selection of tree planting sites in Los Angeles, improving contract design for green-space management, the perceived restorativeness of gardens, and the use of coppice in urban woodland management. For access to the full papers, visit http://www.sciencedirect.com (search for ‘Urban Forestry & Urban Greening’ under journals).

New book on City Forests
With my apologies for promoting my own work, I am glad to announce that the book ‘The Forest and the City: The cultural landscape of urban woodland’ will soon be published by Springer. The book looks at the relationship between cities and their forests over time, focusing on socio-cultural links. For more information about this book, see



Course ‘Introduction to Green Roofs’
Sheffield, UK, 29 May 2008
The course is aimed at anyone with an interest in green roofs and does not require any previous knowledge of the technology. Topics will include the history of green roofs, benefits, construction aspects, maintenance, contract aspects, as well as site visits. For more information and online booking visit http://www.thegreenroofcentre.co.uk